Horse Blinkers

Horse Blinkers

One whip and he keeps moving. A captive in a free land, bound by leather straps and a screaming man -controlling his direction, his food, his breaths. The 4 legged animal moves on, no thought of breaking free. For how can u hope for a better life when your heart surrended a long time ago? Practically everyone I know goes through life the same way. Waking up, going to a man made building block, coming back to your sanctuary and resting again. The human life cycle lacks .. life itself. Someone once said artificial intelligence would take over the earth, when the fact is that is already has. Mechanically we exist, sporadically we live.
Ignorance : The condition of being uneducated, unaware, or uninformed.
Is that the better option? To walk the path already taken? Which one kills the soul more...? the pain of a new option or the same old vigorous routine? Its a personal assessment and a childhood that will give you the answer. Your strength, your morals. What did ppl who you look upto do.
Sitting on my window sill and drinking my tenth cup of tea of the day, a smile creeps up unkowingly. Che Ernesto Guevara.. Quentin Tarantino.. Jim Morrison.. did they choose to be different or were they ignorant.. I dont think they ever pondered over the thought like this. Maybe writing this blog entry is dismissing the very essence of being different.
Submission : The act of submitting to the power of another.
I am not a pile of clay that can be moulded by my generation. It may cause dents and chips but ill still be me. The mind is corrupted every millisecond by external stimuli. Instances can change the entire viewpoint of a person. Someone who saw their father dying in their arms wont fret over a broken fender like the layman. Who's more blessed? The ignorant bystander or the main character of the play? The person who grieved for 60 seconds or the man who gave into submission?
The end : A result; an outcome.
We all have one.
"This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
It hurts to set you free
But you’ll never follow me
The end of laughter and soft lies
The end of nights we tried to die

This is the end" - Jim Morrison.

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Comment when you say it like that it makes a lot of sense

Wed Apr 5, 2006 2:18 pm MST by bob stevens

Comment luv u wrik! mwahaha NO GO GET ORJOOOOON =)

Sat Mar 11, 2006 2:40 am MST by Anonymous

Comment coke bottles lined in queue anticipating that second when that damn rusty ol' metallic tripod is gonna label them with that same red plastic papery thing with those four letters stylized on them.and then of course, the good part, the labelled bottles then sense a feeling of pseudo-maturity and the definition of anticipation changes to the time when they'll be filled with that blackish liquid and corked.*MANUFACTURED*- they said. a constant process containing a level of monotony that reminds you of that annoying britney spears track that kept playing on t.v while u were too stoned to turn it off. well there is always those occasional bottles who thought of breaking the chain but fell and broke.but it so happened that those broken pieces of glass were recycled and turned into an artwork by dali... " another brick in the wall makes the wall strong, not the brick ". moral of the story: don't write comments on blogspots when you're tripping on acid".THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE!

Fri Mar 10, 2006 10:25 am MST by wrik

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